WestTrans - Planning Transport Together
West London Partnership

Brunel University


"Brunel University provided 'freebies' for students attending, including waterbottles, pedometers and reflective bands and provided a key incentive"

Promotional Items

If financially viable, free items attract visitors however should be used in exchange for participation/engagement.



  • Who is responsible for online media?
  • Who to contact/build Green Travel Day Website?
  • Who will participate and respond to questions if undertaking Q&A session?
  • What are the guidelines for the intranet?
  • What giveaways/freebies are already available for use?
  • Who will coordinate the volunteers to distribute the flyers/hand out passports on the day?
  • When is the next student publication to be released? How do we engage with publication to include feature on Green Travel Day? Is there a student journalist who would be able to cover the event/write a supporting article?
  • Is there budget for promotional items/prizes? Are there any existing relationships with local business etc that could be used to acquire prizes? Or any internal opportunities (restaurant/sports centre vouchers)?

Promotional items

©2024, WestTrans
Perceval House
4th Floor NE
Ealing Council
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL